10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know

I came up with an idea for a new series on this blog! I want to give you 10 fun facts that were not included in my novels about my characters! How does that sound? I thought it might be a fun way for you all to get to know the characters we love so much a little bit better, and if you haven’t read my books yet, perhaps it will pique your interest enough to finally pick them up. 😃 Anyway, onward to the first character in the series, Lindsay Picou Sterling from The Way We Go!

10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know

  1. Lindsay is allergic to bees. She discovered this when she was six years old and got stung while playing outside near some bluebonnets with a then childhood friend named Holly. A honeybee stung her on the knuckle of her left thumb, and she went into anaphylactic shock. Holly’s mom had to call 911 to save her life, and now Lindsay has to carry an Epi-Pen with her everywhere she goes. She still thinks honeybees are cute, though, and actually contemplates getting a tattoo of one one day. 
  2. Speaking of tattoos, Lindsay has one. She got it with Ruby the summer after their first year of college. They got “best friend tattoos", but they aren’t matching because they aren’t that “ugh, goddamn cheesy” according to Ruby. Lindsay has black and white quill and inkwell on her right shoulder blade, there’s a splash of color where the ink has spilled. It’s in Ruby’s favorite color – blood red. Perhaps I’ll tell you what Ruby’s is in her 10 Fun Facts list. 😉
  3. Lindsay was not happy when Gloria found out she was pregnant with Katie. They are seven years apart, so there is quite a big age difference, and Lindsay had gotten used to being the only child. She was not really happy in her life with Gloria, how could she be when her mother was either prostituting or jumping from one bad relationship to another? Their life was never stable, but it was the only life Lindsay knew. When she found out Gloria was pregnant, she thought things were going to get much worse. She was already sharing her mother with Katie’s father, and now she was going to have to share it with a new baby? Lindsay was certain that she was going to get no love at all. But she was dead wrong because Katie brought more love into her life than she could have ever believed. 
  4. Let’s talk about food. This is really two facts in one, but I love y’all. 😉 Lindsay’s favorite food of all time is chicken strips from Popeyes. Yeah, she’s got a real refined palate. Haha! Oh, yeah, don’t forget the Mardi Gras mustard! Her least favorite food is anything grape-flavored. Real grapes are fine, but anything grape-flavored grosses her out to no end. Even the smell makes her gag!
  5. When Lindsay was nine, she broke her arm falling off a jungle gym at a park. It was one of those big, half-circle ones (do ya know what I’m talking about?) and she and some neighborhood kids were playing King of the Mountain, and she was rushing to climb to the top and fell off. She landed funny on her arm, and SNAP! She fractured her radius.
  6. Her first “boyfriend” was in second grade. His name was Kennedy, and he was a redheaded, freckle-faced little boy who’s favorite things to talk about were Star Wars and Ninja Turtles. He tried to hold her hand once, but she pushed him away and ran away. He wasn’t her boyfriend after that.
  7. She hates painting her fingernails. She hates the smell of nail polish. She hates the feeling of nail polish. She hates when it chips. She just hates the whole process. Her nails grow long, strong, and really pretty, but they are always bare and natural. Her toes, too.
  8. She’s not shy even though everyone thinks she is. She’s just an extremely observant person. She would rather sit and watch people rather than/before interacting with them. One of her favorite things to do is people watch. People really interest her, but she can be quiet and seem withdrawn/shy when really she’s just taking in everything around her. This can also make some people think she’s bitchy/standoffish when she’s really not.
  9. Lindsay only dreams in black and white. She’s never had a dream in color, and she’s really fascinated that other people do.
  10. And speaking of dreams, she can lucid dream. She taught herself how when she was a kid because she used to have a lot of nightmares due to her traumatic childhood. She read a lot as a child, and she happened to stumble upon lucid dreaming when she was a pre-teen, and she realized it could help her with her bad dreams. It did. It didn’t help her escape the nightmare of her real life, but it did get her away from her nighttime traumas. Now, she can control her dreams, and that’s pretty dang cool!

I hope y’all enjoyed these 10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know! If you haven’t already read The Way We Go you can find the novel here on Amazon (both it and its companion novel, Growth Spurt, are on sale for $.99/£.99 on the Kindle store for a limited time) or on my website (where you can get a signed copy directly from me!). I will do more of these with more characters in the near future! 😀 

10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know

I came up with an idea for a new series on this blog! I want to give you 10 fun facts that were not included in my novels about my characters! How does that sound? I thought it might be a fun way for you all to get to know the characters we love so much a little bit better, and if you haven’t read my books yet, perhaps it will pique your interest enough to finally pick them up. 😃 Anyway, onward to the first character in the series, Lindsay Picou Sterling from The Way We Go!

10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know

  1. Lindsay is allergic to bees. She discovered this when she was six years old and got stung while playing outside near some bluebonnets with a then childhood friend named Holly. A honeybee stung her on the knuckle of her left thumb, and she went into anaphylactic shock. Holly’s mom had to call 911 to save her life, and now Lindsay has to carry an Epi-Pen with her everywhere she goes. She still thinks honeybees are cute, though, and actually contemplates getting a tattoo of one one day. 
  2. Speaking of tattoos, Lindsay has one. She got it with Ruby the summer after their first year of college. They got “best friend tattoos", but they aren’t matching because they aren’t that “ugh, goddamn cheesy” according to Ruby. Lindsay has black and white quill and inkwell on her right shoulder blade, there’s a splash of color where the ink has spilled. It’s in Ruby’s favorite color – blood red. Perhaps I’ll tell you what Ruby’s is in her 10 Fun Facts list. 😉
  3. Lindsay was not happy when Gloria found out she was pregnant with Katie. They are seven years apart, so there is quite a big age difference, and Lindsay had gotten used to being the only child. She was not really happy in her life with Gloria, how could she be when her mother was either prostituting or jumping from one bad relationship to another? Their life was never stable, but it was the only life Lindsay knew. When she found out Gloria was pregnant, she thought things were going to get much worse. She was already sharing her mother with Katie’s father, and now she was going to have to share it with a new baby? Lindsay was certain that she was going to get no love at all. But she was dead wrong because Katie brought more love into her life than she could have ever believed. 
  4. Let’s talk about food. This is really two facts in one, but I love y’all. 😉 Lindsay’s favorite food of all time is chicken strips from Popeyes. Yeah, she’s got a real refined palate. Haha! Oh, yeah, don’t forget the Mardi Gras mustard! Her least favorite food is anything grape-flavored. Real grapes are fine, but anything grape-flavored grosses her out to no end. Even the smell makes her gag!
  5. When Lindsay was nine, she broke her arm falling off a jungle gym at a park. It was one of those big, half-circle ones (do ya know what I’m talking about?) and she and some neighborhood kids were playing King of the Mountain, and she was rushing to climb to the top and fell off. She landed funny on her arm, and SNAP! She fractured her radius.
  6. Her first “boyfriend” was in second grade. His name was Kennedy, and he was a redheaded, freckle-faced little boy who’s favorite things to talk about were Star Wars and Ninja Turtles. He tried to hold her hand once, but she pushed him away and ran away. He wasn’t her boyfriend after that.
  7. She hates painting her fingernails. She hates the smell of nail polish. She hates the feeling of nail polish. She hates when it chips. She just hates the whole process. Her nails grow long, strong, and really pretty, but they are always bare and natural. Her toes, too.
  8. She’s not shy even though everyone thinks she is. She’s just an extremely observant person. She would rather sit and watch people rather than/before interacting with them. One of her favorite things to do is people watch. People really interest her, but she can be quiet and seem withdrawn/shy when really she’s just taking in everything around her. This can also make some people think she’s bitchy/standoffish when she’s really not.
  9. Lindsay only dreams in black and white. She’s never had a dream in color, and she’s really fascinated that other people do.
  10. And speaking of dreams, she can lucid dream. She taught herself how when she was a kid because she used to have a lot of nightmares due to her traumatic childhood. She read a lot as a child, and she happened to stumble upon lucid dreaming when she was a pre-teen, and she realized it could help her with her bad dreams. It did. It didn’t help her escape the nightmare of her real life, but it did get her away from her nighttime traumas. Now, she can control her dreams, and that’s pretty dang cool!

I hope y’all enjoyed these 10 Fun Facts About Lindsay You Didn’t Know! If you haven’t already read The Way We Go you can find the novel here on Amazon (both it and its companion novel, Growth Spurt, are on sale for $.99/£.99 on the Kindle store for a limited time) or on my website (where you can get a signed copy directly from me!). I will do more of these with more characters in the near future! 😀 

Get Shit Done

Finally finished the first draft of the novella I’ve been working on under a pseudonym! 😄

*happy dance*

It was a slow start getting back into the groove after two weeks off, but it feels damn good to be back at it, doing what I love.

Oh, and isn’t it always such a cool feeling when you see your work printed out for the first time? I mean, it’s one thing seeing all those words typed up on screen, but then when you see them on actual paper, it’s just like, “Whoa!”

Anyway, I’m off to read for a while now. Goodnight, lovelies. I’ll have probably another book review up here tomorrow. 😙

Get Shit Done

Finally finished the first draft of the novella I’ve been working on under a pseudonym! 😄

*happy dance*

It was a slow start getting back into the groove after two weeks off, but it feels damn good to be back at it, doing what I love.

Oh, and isn’t it always such a cool feeling when you see your work printed out for the first time? I mean, it’s one thing seeing all those words typed up on screen, but then when you see them on actual paper, it’s just like, “Whoa!”

Anyway, I’m off to read for a while now. Goodnight, lovelies. I’ll have probably another book review up here tomorrow. 😙